Black Ocean Diversity in Publishing Internship

*APPLICATIONS ARE currently closed*

Black Ocean’s Internship seeks to increase diversity in publishing by providing the opportunity to gain first-hand experience with the inner-workings of a independent literary publisher. As folks who have often been hiring managers at publishing houses, we know that the first barrier to entry into publishing is direct experience in publishing. Managers are looking for resumes that evidence internships and engagement with the book world at any level. Through our internship we seek to provide exactly the kind of experience that makes an application stand out. Interns will assist on projects in acquisitions, editing, and marketing all while getting to know the full scope of the small-press publishing business. Specific tasks will include: reading and commenting on submissions, copyediting manuscripts in progress, writing marketing copy, and conducting market and influencer research. Through this apprenticeship, our intern will acquire knowledge of how editors identify potential projects and how books move through each stage of publication, understanding the full spectrum of roles and responsibilities available in the publishing world.


  • Minimum of six months, with the possibility to extend longer

  • Six to eight hours/week


  • Applicants must be from a historically underrepresented racial minority.

  • At least two years of college experience, preferably with a background in literature or the humanities.

  • Evidence of deep interest in poetry and a strong curiosity about the publishing world.

Please note that Black Ocean is an entirely volunteer-led organization, however this is a paid internship.

Applicants should send a letter of inquiry that describes your interest in Black Ocean and your qualifications and experience that meet the requirements outlined above. Please submit to Poetry Editor Carrie Olivia Adams: